MESSAGE OF THANKS - Edwin B. Lim, PPSA President
My Dear Fellow Shooters, Supporters and Friends:
We have a camaraderie that is unmatched in any other sport. We see each other as ONE with the love of the shooting sport. Regardless of our professions and background, we go to the range as EQUALS and treat each other as such. We indulge in our shooting sport because it is our PASSION, priceless and unjustifiable.
As a FAMILY of Filipino sportsmen and women, we are bound together by the common values of fair play, mutual respect, and honor. We embrace these values to heart and work with one another in the enjoyment of the sport.
Recently, our sport was infected by polarity, politization, and controversy. We went through a period of divisiveness and animosity. The harmony of our sport was threatened by disruptive events. Fortunately, through divine intervention, there is a chance we can heal the wounds and start over.
At this point, I would like to make special mention of the support and wisdom of the founder of the PPSA, Hon. Jack C Enrile. For the last 35 years, Mr. Enrile helmed the PPSA from a ragtag group of shooting enthusiasts to the respected institution that it is today. With his vision and leadership, we are given a chance to find a solution to the chaos that plagued our sport. It is through his intervention that we are able to find a new dawn in PPSA and the shooting sport.
As a representative of the shooting community, I can say: “Boss Jack”, we are all profoundly grateful for your steadfast and untiring leadership in the advancement of our sport and in helping make the Filipino sport shooter among the best in the world. Your “passing of the torch” signals the start of passage for the PPSA and the shooting sport to reach even greater heights!
The recent PPSA election was not an ordinary election of officers. It was an election of philosophies, sentiments and values. The conscience of the Filipino shooters was awakened and they had to be heard. As a candidate, I wasn’t running for me as a person, but for an ideology that was fragmented through the years, FILIPINO PATRIOTISM & UNITY.
I am deeply humbled and moved by your expressions of trust and confidence in electing me as the President of the PPSA. I would like to thank all those who share my belief that UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.
It is at this point I would like to briefly share the vision I have for PPSA:
On the national level, there is a need to revitalize our general membership and provide better services to our gun clubs. There is a need to review our competition structures in order to provide better quality matches. And most importantly, there is a clamor to bring back the camaraderie and fellowship for all who enjoy the sport. I would love to see the PRICELESS SMILING FACES again in our ranges.
There is also a need to unite and develop our range officers. It is through their professionalism that the shooting sport can thrive. With our vision of increasing the matches for the PPSA, we will develop a strong and cohesive NROI in order to efficiently officiate the voluminous matches that we plan to create.
On the international level: we look forward to a more meaningful and mutually beneficial interaction with the new IPSC President, Mr. Vitaly Kryuchin and his team. As one of the major regions in the IPSC world, we will participate actively in IPSC events and make our voices heard. The Filipino presence will be felt around the world.
As IPSC Philippines, the PPSA will once again have the honor to showcase Filipino pride and hospitality as we are hosting the 2019 IPSC AUSTRALASIA CHAMPIONSHIP.
I, along with newly elected PPSA Board of Directors, stand ready to face the challenges ahead with sincerity and transparency, but we will need your help and cooperation for us to succeed. The next 3 years will surely be both exciting and challenging. THE UNIFICATION PROCESS WILL BEGIN.
TO ALL OF YOU, MY HEARTFELT THANK YOU. Maraming, maraming salamat po!
Practical Shooting is the fastest growing shooting sport in the world to date. Combining the elements of Speed, Power, and Accuracy, it is a venue that seeks to develop and test an individual's shooting skills in a controlled sporting environment. Practical shooting matches are realistic, diverse and fun, mixing props such as barricades, doors, shooting ports, tunnels and other everyday objects with full or partially exposed targets, moving targets, penalty-carrying no-shoot targets and steel reactive targets to test the skills and techniques of the practical shooting competitor.
Practical shooting is done freestyle - there is no single method by which a shooting scenario may be engaged and individual competitors may have their own solution to the shooting problem at hand. Each competitor's resulting score is determined by the number of hits made on a given target, divided by the elapsed time needed to complete the scenario.